Ryzom strong kipee locations
Ryzom strong kipee locations

ryzom strong kipee locations

I've known players it's happened to.) You might also want to copy the data to a new computer if you get one, or make sure the data is saved someplace safe before you install a new version of Ryzom. (Yes, this really happens that the files get corrupted or deleted, even if it is rare. It's a good idea to back up this data so you can restore your map markers, etc if they get corrupted due to a technical problem like a bad game crash. It might be graphics data sent using the patchlet system for special events, like the alternative graphics for stables during Atysmas. user folder: I'm also not sure what's in here.I think it might be automatically downloaded graphics the game needs to display properly, like the shape and texture of characters, buildings, etc. data folder(linux only?): I'm not sure what's in the screenshots folder: screenshots taken using the in-game screenshot feature.log_ character name.txt: chat logs made with the /chatLog chat command.keys_r2ed_ character name.xml: I don't know what this one is for.keys_ character name.xml: keybindings and macros.interface_ character name.icfg: some game configuration settings, window positions, map markers.client.cfg: some game configuration settlings.Kervala's newer client: ~/Library/Application Support/Ryzom/.Older client: ~/Library/Containers//Data/Library/Application Support/Ryzom/.Mac: ( credit to Fateciy's post with more detail about accessing the folder).These are the default/common locations for the local data folder that I know about: (Note that this might be a different folder than the folder where Ryzom is installed and stores other files it needs to run, like the executable program itself.) This data can be found in your Ryzom local data folder. Chat logs (made with the /chatLog chat command).

ryzom strong kipee locations

Screenshots taken using the in-game screenshot feature.Game configuration settings (edited in-game in the Game Configuration window).Ryzom saves some information related to the game locally on the computer you use to play the game.

ryzom strong kipee locations

Thank you to many past forum posters and everyone who answered my questions in-game for sharing this information.Įdit: continuing to update to reflect corrections and additional information Please reply with additional information or corrections if you want to I might work them back into this post if I can. I keep hearing people say it's important to back up your Ryzom data, but I hadn't seen a complete-ish guide about it yet, so I thought, why not make one.

Ryzom strong kipee locations